Dan.Me is a portfolio website created with React in NextJS, utilizing the Typescript language, and Contentful for the Headless CMS.
Python app designed and submitted for the final project of the Sophia Intro to Programming course for university credits.
Effortless Weight Tracker is a Typescript app, designed to make it easy to effortlessly track your weight. This app uses Firebase for authentication and storing data. On the frontend, D3 is used to visualize the user's data on an interactive graph. Snowpack was used for hot refresh and speedy deployment, and it's strong support for Typescript.
Effortless Calorie Tracker is a no-bloat app to simply count calories fast and accurately while on the go. This app is framework-less and fully designed in Typescript.
Dirtbook is a full-stack app demonstration using data provided from a GraphQL endpoint, for fast searching and browsing of dirt racing late model series drivers. The front-end features Typescript and NextJS, and back-end is hosted on nHost with Hasura PostgreSQL and GraphQL.
Dan.Me is a portfolio website created with Gatsby, utilizing Typescript for type checking, and Contentful for the Headless CMS.